



  • LR无法提取features,尤其是pixels类的,所以需要DL进行representation layers来做特征提取

  • 与其用手动的特征 找猫的眼睛 e.g,可以让Neural Network automatically learn useful representation of data



  • Epochs:一个epoch指的是用了trainset的所有数据进行了一轮训练

    • The longer you train your model, the more tightly it will fit the training data (but may also overfit the test data).

    • To find the right number of epochs, monitor the loss on the validation data when training. Stop training when the validation loss begins increasing (rule of thumb).

  • Batches:一次训练的时候只会用一个batch,# of batches越多越准确但更慢,有个speed-accuracy的

    • Batch Gradient Descent (Full data):只有一个batch(batch size就是length)

    • Mini batch Gradient Descent:现在经常被误称为Batch Gradient Descent

      • 最后的example可以丢掉也可以as a smaller batch at the end,在上面的例子里**一个epoch有四个updates**

    • Stochastic: batch size = 1

  • Batch size:The number of examples used per gradient update.

    • A batch size of 1 is stochastic gradient descent. Many updates per epoch, but each is inaccurate.

    • A batch size of len(training_set) is batch gradient descent. One accurate update per epoch, but slow to compute.

    • Intermediate sizes (the default in Keras is 32) are called mini-batch gradient descent.

    In general, you will not need to change this parameter unless your examples are very small (structured data, in which case you can use a larger batch size).

Early Stopping



  • 定义:Dropout is a regularization technique to deal with overfitting problem and improve generalization

    • dropout的含义:node is not used in this in the next round of training and and all its connections will be not be updated

    • dropout的方式:randomly dropout probability for each hidden layers

  • Prevents co-adaptation

    of activation units

    • Each hidden unit learns certain features independently - the features that each neuron is learning our robust features they are not dependent upon the presence or not presence of the subsequence of the previous layers!

    • 这样各个hidden unit学习的是different features

  • Probabilistically drop input features or activation units in hidden layers

    • Layer dependent dropout probability ( ~0.2 for input, ~0.5 for hidden)

    • 为什么要input小:you do not want to use a high value of report for the input 因为 most the input features will be gone right in the training而我们希望保留!但也可以允许一定的dropout

  • Test的时候怎么处理dropout:apply dropout probability!这样test的时候其实layer都在




  • Columbia Applied Deep Learning 2022 Fall