


  • 模型剪枝:即移除对结果作用较小的组件,如减少 head 的数量和去除作用较少的层,共享参数等,ALBERT属于这种;

  • 量化:比如将 float32 降到 float8;

  • 知识蒸馏:将 teacher 的能力蒸馏到 student上,一般 student 会比 teacher 小。我们可以把一个大而深的网络蒸馏到一个小的网络,也可以把集成的网络蒸馏到一个小的网络上。

  • 参数共享:通过共享参数,达到减少网络参数的目的,如 ALBERT 共享了 Transformer 层;

  • 参数矩阵近似:通过矩阵的低秩分解或其他方法达到降低矩阵参数的目的;

  • NAS: automated neural architecture search with reward function set as latency or model size


Language model pre-training from large unlabeled data has become the new driving-power for models such as BERT, XLNet, and RoBerta. Built upon Transformer, BERT based models significantly improve the state of the art performance when fine-tuned on various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.

Recently, many follow-up works push this line of research even further by increasing the model capacity to more than billions of parameters. Though these models achieve cutting-edge results on various NLP tasks, the resulting models have high latency, and prohibitive memory footprint and power consumption for edge inference. This, in turn, has limited the deployment of these models on embedded devices like cellphones or smart assistance, which now require cloud connectivity to function.


  • 训练和部署之间存在着一定的不一致性:

    • 在训练过程中, 我们需要使用复杂的模型, 大量的计算资源, 以便从非常大、高度冗余的数据集 中提取出信息。在实验中, 效果最好的模型往往规模很大, 甚至由多个模型集成得到。

      • 不断增长的参数量:比如BERT——BERT based models have a prohibitive memory footprint and latency. As a result, deploying BERT based models in resource constrained environments has become a challenging task.

      而大模型 不方便部署到服务中去, 常见的瓶颈如下:

      • 推断速度慢

      • 对部署资源要求高(内存, 显存等)

      • 在部署时, 我们对延迟以及计算资源都有着严格的限制。特别是edge devices像手机、智能手表

      这也就是模型压缩的动机:我们希望有一个规模较小的模型, 能达到和大模型一样或相当的结果。

  • 这个问题因为用户隐私问题不能用上传到cloud做inference来解决

    A way to workaround: send data to the cloud, 但我们希望data privacy, don’t want the data to leave uses’ device. 之前会upload data to cloud,这样只用管理一部分的硬件不需要每个edge device都计算,但最近我们就看到migration back to device!这样不需要一直联网(提高了reliability,降低了latency),而且保护了用户隐私。

  • 还有一个Background是边缘计算的能力增强了,有可能可以做到reduce latency without affecting model performance